O’Malley here and I’m not dead yet. My editor Jonah Brantley informed me that several “gentleman” were inquiring as to my whereabouts. It seems there is some confusion as to some unpaid gambling debts. Unfortunately I am still deep in the Jungle of the Congo and unable to straighten this matter out. Note to editor: Jonah, I wish you a speedy recovery. A broken arm and fractured fingers are nothing to take to lightly. I am not sure how you managed to get them caught in your desk drawer, seven times, but accidents do happen. Take it from me, a hospital is a great place to recover from something like this as there are a great many people around and it is much harder for accidents to occur in places like that.
As for our hero Nick Travers he has tracked the purloiners of the good Dr. Nobsknockers, inventor of the Pulsating Telegraphic Ionizer, to the Asylum of the Evil Dr. Fraile. I of course have tagged along to bring you, Dear Readers, all the Action, Hot and Heavy. Grabbing my trusty Browning Autographic camera I have taken up a vantage point outside of the asylum with a local native girl who has busily introduced me to many of the local customs as I lay here hidden in the bush. It didn’t take long for things to heat up for our Hero.

After making a spectacular raid on Dr. Fraile’s private dock with some Marines, Nick Headed for the Asylum. Apparently the deadly duo of Boris and Natasha had made a deal with Dr. Fraile to Trade Dr. Nobsknockers for a truckload of X-19, a nerve gas that turns it’s victims into mindless zombies. Without a moment to lose Nick and the Marines setup a roadblock to stop the onrushing truck of X-19.

Meanwhile, Lt. J.J. Malloy and his Rocket Corps assaulted the asylum in a desperate attempt to free the good Dr. Nobsknockers.
At the roadblock the marines where able to clobber a truckload of hired thugs accompanying the tanker of X-19, but the dastardly duo managed to elude the trap after they were able to knockout the stalwart Nick Travers. The Rocket Corp was a bit more successful. They managed to land in the compound and get to Dr. Nobsknockers but find themselves surrounded by zombies under the control of the sinister Dr. Fraile.

That’s all I have time for this time Dear Readers. But as always I will be there to bring you all the action as it develops, Hot and Heavy.
Dear sir,
There are those who can and those who are critics. It is quite obvious that you must dwell in one of the outer reaches of civilized society where people are more concerned with whose cows are good for calving and whether or not there will be a bumper crop of cheese. I will therefore ignore your comments and file them away as the rantings of an uncouth hillbilly.
Love Flashy
hey hey!! this is a very nice website here and I just wanted to comment & say that you've done a great job here! Very nice choice of colors & layout, very easy on the eyes.. Nicely done!…
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