When out of the bush burst Pretty Priscilla Nobsknockers in her Ford roadster. It seems the dame got a little lost when some of her blonde locks got in her way and she missed a turn. Not being able to find anyone to offer assistance she continued to bowl her way through the bush in a vain attempt to find her men. Seeing her beloved Nick knocked cold she pulled over to offer assistance. Nick, having been aroused by the closeness of Priscilla, quickly jumped into the roadster and headed off after the dastardly duo.

Meanwhile the valiant men of the U.S. Rocket Corp where in a tight scrap having landed in the middle of The Evil Dr. Fraile’s asylum and becoming quickly surrounded by his mutant zombies. They desperately fought there way to the Good Professor Nobsknockers, inventor of the atomic neuralyzer, but the press of zombies was just too great. They decided to try to retreat and go for the Professor another day. Shouting their slogan “Stars and Stripes to the sky” the burst up into the wild blue yonder. Several of the men actually managed to escape the clutches of certain death at the hands of the zombies.

In desperation, Nick leaned from his vehicle and squeezed off a round blowing up the truckload of X-19 just as it reached the relative safety of the German airstrip.

Nick may have thwarted Boris and Natasha yet again but the Good Dr. Nobsknockers had once again slipped from his grasp. Upon return to the asylum, Nick and Priscilla discovered that her father and The Evil Dr. Fraile were nowhere to be found. It was just at this time that the father and a few of the brothers of my little jungle guide turned up looking to welcome me for dinner. Unfortunately, I did not want to miss any of the action for you, dear readers, so I quickly made my way to Nick's boat as it prepared to head up the lake in search of The Evil Dr. Fraile. My new found jungle friends followed me to the boat shouting words of sorrow as they saw me slip away. A few of them even threw some of their spears to me as parting gifts. Aah well, I make these sacrifices so that I can bring you all the action, Hot and Heavy.
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