
The Wild and Wacky World of ACW Gaming part Deux

Dewey Got mad at me when I left the part about waiting for him up after I had actually posted the write up he sent me. He always has been wrapped a little too tight, but here is the write upas he sent it. The two armies have clashed over a crossing and as the battle commences more units form up and start to enter the fray. The Union has managed to cross the river in three places and have forced the initial reb forces back on both wings. The Union center has also forced its way across the river but at a rather high cost and now the flimsy center is in danger of folding.

From here we can see the entire union push, with both ford crossing now heavily engaged. The confederate center is starting to give.

Meanwhile, on the confederate left, fresh troops move up to the tree line to surprise the union right. Skirmishing begins near Grandma’s cabin.

A union rush across the bridge is met with withering fire from the waiting rebels.

Zouaves from Louisiana reform after an initial setback and now advance with friends to engage the union on the left.

Union troops meet the full fury of the confederate zouaves. Just out of view the confederate battery on the hill fires its last rounds and retires.

The union rush on the bridge is checked as the confederates guarding the ford on the union right collapse. Union troops start to rush the ridgeline. A fresh confederate division can be seen starting to emerge from the woods on the top of the hill to meet this move. Union reinforcements are being hurried forward to exploit the hole before it closes.


The Wild and Wacky World of ACW Gaming


So I told Dewey if he did the write up I would publish the pics on the blog from his ACW game. This is our first try of the rules so it is a simple meeting engagement. Joey and I are the Union forces and Dewey is running the rebs. I will let Dewey do the rest.

Here is the write up frome Dewey:

We are fighting the first battle of Camarano Farm. Parts of three union divisions are advancing on confederate positions. Southern forces are in the area but are widely scattered to cover several key positions, but close enough to assist each other (This means that while the union forces almost continuously flow onto the table, the rebels show up in dribs and drabs for the most part).

Confederate forces are defending a bridge over one of the many streams in the area. Here we see the lead regiment of one of the two Union divisions racing to deploy under rebel fire.

Now in position, the union fires a relatively ineffective volley at the defenders and receives a wall of lead in return. Actually both sides were a bit off in their initial volleys as the new troops on both sides seemed to have trouble hitting anything.

From this view we can see elements of John’s division have discovered a fordable spot on the stream and are preparing to make things a little more interesting for the secessionists. Just out of view behind the house a union battery has opened fire on the confederate line, though apparently there is some problem with the powder (first shot indicated low on ammo, so they are handcuffed in that their firepower is halved).


Golden Compass

Ok Besides being a really cool idea for a movie and having Nicole Kidman in it (yowza) the Golden Compass website has some fun things to play with. Apparently, in the movie everyone has a demon, which is more like a familiar. After answering a few profile type questions it randomly assigns a demon to you complete with name and such. I am not sure about some of the profiling( I don't think anyone would accuse me of being modest) but most of it is pretty accurate. I took the test twice and came up with the same profile so it can't be too far off. I talked half of the office into doing it as well and it was interesting to see the variety of creatures we got. No two were alike and after thinking about it I found most of the creatures did seem to go with their counterparts.

Here is mine:


Fort Necessity

O’Malley here and I am not dead yet. I recently shipped my mother off to a very nice state run institution for the elderly. Sure some of those fancy private institutions look nicer, but who really needs 3 squares a day. While I was throwing out all of her stuff, that wasn’t valuable, I came across some interesting items from my forefathers. Apparently newspaper ink runs in the blood, along with booze. One of my forefathers was apparently quite the newshound for “The Williamsburg Daily Gazette.” Following is one of the articles that I found that really caught my attention, enjoy!

From the Williamsburg Daily Gazette, July 6th 1755:

O’Malley here and ye have not yet been scalped. I am somewhere in the Pennsylvania wilderness following the exploits of a young Colonel by the name of George Washington.

I would not commit that name to memory, as I really don’t see much in this dull witted farm boy from the Virginia Colony.

We found ourselves, that muggy July morning, completely surrounded by the French and their savage allies as the good Colonel was to indecisive to move us out of this swamp he calls Fort Necessity.

The men are in good spirits as some lucky soul got his hands on the key to the supply cabin and was able to liberate a goodly quantity of Rum. Note to editor, sorry for the shaky handwriting, it’s very cold for a July. With the help of a young native girl I have found a good vantage point deep in the supply cabin. From here I should be able to take in all of the action while being instructed in some of the Local Customs.

The French boys seem to be intent on a frontal assault. Some of those damn funny Canadiens, eeehhh, managed to make it to the trench line when they were met with a canister round from one of our Guns. What was left of them was seen scurrying off North again shouting something about it being Hockey Night.

Then some of the Virginia boys gave a shout when they notice some natives skulking around in the woods. My little native girl noticed her husband amongst the bunch of them so I felt it prudent to further conceal ourselves so as not to alarm the poor man to her safety, or mine.

They broke from cover with some horrible whoops and caterwauling but our lads were up to the task of beating them back into the woods. They would try again at another wall, but they just don't seem to have the intestinal fortitude required for a frontal assault.

Meanwhile, those froggy bastards made a serious assault on several ramparts at once. It was hard work with the frog stickers and things were touch and go for a while.

Finally, the frogs were forced back from one wall. On the other wall they managed to force the gun crew off the gun but the regulars from South Carolina managed to push them back out of the defenses.

The main gun was forced out of its entrenchment by another furious charge but it was still intact and just the site of it kept the frogs from massing together enough troops to seriously threaten that flank. The Indians having had enough vanished back into the woods leaving the French to try and take the Fort on their own. Things were looking good but the shear number of French and the prospects of needing to fight their way out of hostile territory were too much for our young commander to take. So with our heads hung low we marched away from that little outpost vowing one day to return and avenge our fallen comrades. As always you can rely on me to bring you all the action Hot and ye olde Heavy.