Ok, so I posted these pics awhile back with absolutely no write up. We decided to introduce the new guy Rob to a game of Battleground WWII. Dewey came up with a scenario from the Eastern Front with Hungarians and Russians. Joey and I played Hungarians and Dewey and Rob played the Russians. Dewey might have only really just given Rob guidance, it's been too long and I can't remember exactly. Anyway Joey and I surged across open ground while Rob waited for us from the relative safety of his Dascha. I employed fire and movement to slowly marched across the open ground. Joey employed a more radical approached and seemed to march across the open ground with full regimental band and color guards. Strangely enough this daring approach didn't really pan out for him as one of his squads was literally wiped off the board.
Rob, managed to track my tank in the opening salvo but it remained and effective bunker for most of the game. I was able to drive his antitank gun crew away from the gun and keep them pinned down while I moved forward. Then towards the end of the game when Rob's reinforcements finally made it into play, my tank was able to destroy one tank and damage another.
As always with Battleground it was an enjoyable game. Lots of fun was had by all.
Wow, no comments.
Great intro scenario for new player.
Look forward to more BGWWII,
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