Ok, here is the latest off of my painting table. I must admit I was a little intimidated by the task of painting the jerseys for the '94 World Cup USA men's team but once I plunged into the project it turned out to be easier than I thought. The trick was actually to not paint stars. Huh?? I know, I know "that made no sense" but when I tried to paint an actual star it looked off. When I painted something vaguely shaped like a star it actually started to look better. Well here they are, just waiting for me to go to Dewey's and thrash him again.
An update. Unfortunately they ended up being thrashed by my Harchester United team 2-0.
When you demo'd the game I didn't see much thrashing.
Flailing wildly - yes
Thrashing - no.
It is definitely harder to explain everything to the masses and concentrate on stomping your opponent. It is not your typical game situation.
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