Young Tribune Gaius Johannus Camerinus son to the Famous senator Antonius Camerinus has been given his first solo assignment with his new Legion posting. The 13th finds itself getting set in its winter quarters in the south of Brittania. The problem is that there is not enough grain to feed the troops through the long cold winter.
Gaius has been given explicit orders. "Head up to Aston Villa and procure grain from the Roman Landlord there. Oh, and Gaius.....don't screw it up!" Gaius has been given command of a small force to protect the grain as the villa is on the other side of the wall. He has been given 1 full cohort of Auxilia, a half cohort of Auxilia, a half cohort of Legion regulars, some skirmish troops and a few horse.

The journey to the villa was going quite smoothly and Gaius was pleased with his command and how smartly the troops marched up the road. The villa was in sight just ahead when the most irritating sound could be heard all around the troops. "Centurion, what is that annoying sound?"
"That would be the enemy, sir!"

Quickly, the troops were arrayed in battle order. Skirmishers up front and the Equites around the back of the villa to make sure nothing came sneaking up from the blind side.

The Britains had their own horse and they qucikly came up on the skirmishers who saw them off with a volley of javelins. On the other side of the Villa the Equites charged bravely into the Barbarian horse and after a very close fight, narrowly saw them off.

More to come...