Once again our brave Nick Travers find himself battling Jungle Natives in an effort to rescue the lovely Priscilla Knobsknockers. Regular readers of this column will remember that Priscilla was dragged off through the jungle by ferocious man eating gorillas. After and exhaustive search through the jungle he was able to locate a small village were the apes took the young girl. It appears the apes and the villagers were under the influence of Nick’s old nemesis “The Spectre”.
Nick quickly ascertained that “The Spectre” was up to no good and vowed to do something about it after he had freed Priscilla from the clutches of the whooping natives.
Back at the hotel, were I was busily working the barmaid over for information, Nick was gathering forces to go with him to get Priscilla back. The G-men had also gotten word of “The Spectres” presence and had sent in additional forces to deal directly with him.
Nick arrived at the Native village just in time as they were just bringing out Priscilla to drag her to the top of their temple to sacrifice her to their evil god. Nick and the marines barged into the village and started kicking in doors to locate the screaming dame.
Unfortunately, for our hero the wily natives had snuck her out the back way and were making tracks through the jungle. Just then around the bend a patrol of Germans came into view.
Thinking they were under attack by the natives they opened up on the unsuspecting natives with a fearsome volley. Fortunately for the natives the Germans all shot high. Unfortunately, for the Germans the natives were much more accurate with their spears as they dropped several of the Germans. The Marines hearing the rifle fire started to open up as well. Lead was flying and so was I. I quickly jumped into some bushes to get a better view, but I must have hit my head because I could have sworn that I saw corpses rise up out of the ground and start attacking the Marines.

Meanwhile on the other side of the village the daring members of the Rocketeers had started an all out assault on the lair of “The Spectre”.

Back at the cave entrance the German driver, later identified as one Michael Schoomaker, was rocketing through the cave mouth when he was attacked by more of the “zombies”.

Just at that time Nick and the Marines were chasing the natives through the jungle at break neck speeds when eventually the pursued them back out into the open. Half of the squad of Marines had stayed back and opened up on the Natives as they broke across the open ground. It was then that Nick was able to barge in grab poor Priscilla from her captors and make good his escape.
Trouble is still brewing as “The Spectre” made good his escape with the leader of the German troopers in tow. The Rocketeer with the aid of Nick and the Marines rounded up the stragglers and are even now plotting on a way to capture “The Spectre” before he can unleash his evil nerve agent. As always dear reader you can count on me to bring you all of the action as it happens, HOT and HEAVY!
Thanks again for a great game! I had a blast, even when betrayed by Herr Hauptmann (that vile traitor to the Fatherland!).
I look forward to playing it again next year (or sooner, with luck).
"Leutnant Jager, of the Wehrmacht African Contingent"
The Next episode should be available at Historicon, but stay tuned here for other updates.
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