I would like to thank the state for my brief vacation at their lovely facilities. I'm not sure what they put in the food but things were so relaxing and everyone was so friendly. I would also like to thank Polly Pureheart for filling in for me, readers will be glad to hear that her hard hitting reporting has won her an expense paid vacation to exotic locales. I'm not sure were she was headed but I over heard the Editor saying something about a slow boat to China, so I'm guessing she will be our new Far East Correspondent.
Meanwhile I will take up were she left off. Seems our good friend Dr. Nobsknockers, inventor of liquid berrilium, has disappeared in the Jungles of the Congo. This reporter has it on good authori

I have suggested to my employer that I would be happy to get of town for a spell. It seems some of my associates have been anxiously awaiting my release as they want to discuss some past

I have only recently discovered that Capt. Nick Travers is also headed to Africa as well. Rest assured dear readers I will bring you all the action as it develops Hot and Heavy!
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