"You say ISIL and I say ISIS...or...Don't cross this line!"
Morocco 1875, somewhere in the Atlas mountains.
The Red Shadow, an Algerian scout working for the French to help unite the Berber peoples and free Morocco, has set his sites on the Mad Mutha Mulla. A religious zealot bent on driving out the French and setting strict religious reforms in Morocco. To this end the Mad Mutha has stirred up many of the tribes and threatens to destroy all the hard work the Red Shadow has been putting in to bring Morocco into the 19th century. The local police chief has been accused of selling the equipment the French have given him and his security forces to the Mad Mutha. The Red Shadow has tracked a large deposit of arms and ammunition to a village high up in the mountains and has led a patrol of Legionnaires to recapture these weapons and bring the Mad Mutha Mulla to justice.
One of the local women cheerfully salutes the Mad Mutha Mulla after hearing about his new dress code. Burkhas being all the rage! |
Outside of the town, the Red Shadow takes cover in a date grove to see if he can determine where the guns are hidden. He has determined that he must try and look from several different locations around the town before heading in to recover the weapons. The Mad Mutha Mulla has spies everywhere and this could be a trap to capture the Red Shadow. While the Legionnaires and Tirailleurs take up position in the same grove.
The Red Shadow spies on the village. |
All of the sudden the hills erupt with rifle fire as a large force of Berbers has spotted the French troops and seems to have them pinned down. Under the cool leadership of Lt. LaRoche the French forces take up position in the grove and begin to return fire. After a few good volleys the expert marksmanship of the Legionnaires begins to take its toll and the Berbers start to pull back.
Berbers grab the high ground and pour a steady stream of lead into the Legionnaires. |
Sensing the time was right, Sgt Major Camarone charges out of the grove and straight up the hill into the Berbers driving them from their rocks. The fierce charge and sharp steel is enough to finally drive the Berbers from the field.
The Legionnaires storm the high ground chasing the Berbers back to their caves. |
Meanwhile the Red Shadow has determined the weapons are being hidden in the Mosque. Oh those cowardly devils, using a place of worship to hide guns. The Red Shadow waves his scimitar and charges in to town only to be swarmed by the fanatic brotherhood. Dazzling swordsmanship is on display as the Red Shadow skewers foe after foe. However, the overwhelming odds are beginning to tell and the Red Shadow is being hemmed in by the crazed mob of swordsmen. Noticing the Legionnaires lining up to deliver a decisive volley on the crowd he deftly maneuvers his faithful steed, Mighty Wind, and falls behind a wall just as the Legionnaires loose their deadly storm of lead. Not a soul is left standing.
The Red Shadow displays his superior swordsmanship while being swarmed by Berber rebels. |
Unfortunately, after a quick search of the Mosque turns up empty, it appears that this was all just a trap set by the Mad Mutha Mulla. Worst of all, in the swirling swordplay the coward has slipped through the Shadow's grasp. With a shout the Red Shadow vows to run the Mad Mutha Mulla down.