"Death by Unga Booongaaa!" was the cry that went up in the villages as the war drums started their endless beat.

The expedition started to get just a little concerned. They would need to march through the veldt and then pass through some jungle to get back to the river and safety.

Meanwhile, back by the boats the highlanders decided that the drums could only mean trouble. Deciding it was better to take a look around the Highlanders land and start to search the local village.

But the village and local wood shed were empty. Needing fuel the Askaris are assigned to start cutting wood and moving it to the boats.

The Askaris at the wood shed were quickly overwhelmed by a band of natives pouring out of the woods. Meanwhile the other company of Askaris and the Highlanders made their way to Bungstarter station. On the way they too were met by angry natives pouring out of the woods. The Askaris were the first to be set upon by natives. But with a sharp volley they were able to see the natives off in short work. However, before they could regroup they were hit in the flank and quickly surrounded by Natives.
The party of hunters quickly made it to what they perceived safety between the Highlanders and Askaris. However, the Highlanders soon found themselves surrounded as well. With a quick volley of muskets they chased off one band and then need a quick about face to get stuck in with their bayonets as another warband charged home. It was hard work with the bayonets and very touch and go. In the end the Highlanders and Askaris were left standing while the natives scurried back into the jungle. Some quick work back at the boats to clear off the remaining natives and fix the damage they had done to the boats and it was back down the river to safety.